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An incredibly elegant pure white flower basket arrangement. White Roses, Lilies, Lisianthus and Spra..


Circle of Love

Pure white Roses & Spray Carnations with hoops of Variegated China Grass and a flourish of Salal, ex..


Diamond Bright

A beautiful white Rose, Freesia and Carnation aqua pack bouquet. Delightfully delicate and subtly fr..


Divinely Delicate

An absolutely beautiful and divinely delicate aqua pack bouquet. Lavender Roses, pink Spray Roses wi..


Lavish Rose and Lily

A luxurious pink Rose and Lily aqua pack bouquet exquisitely presented...


Most Loved

Pure and simple, one dozen white Roses, aqua packed for freshness and ready to display...



Beautiful pink Roses are combined perfectly with pink Alstroemeria off set with a dash of Ruscus and..


Precious Pearl

An absolutely beautiful white Rose, Germini and green Carnation bouquet with pretty pearl pins...


Silver Lining

Our expert florists will personally create your bouquet using the finest white, ivory and cream flow..


The Orient

A truly sophisticated combination of fragrant white oriental Lilies, Alstroemeria and Roses amid Rob..



Pure white Roses, Lilies, Gerberas, Asters, Carnations and Spray Chrysanthemums have been brought to..
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)